

Orthodontic treatments are probably the most important step you can take to be a better-looking you. Ortho, however, is much more than esthetics. Orthodontics can greatly improve your oral health, as it decreases your chances of tooth decay and even gum disease. Straighter teeth are teeth that are easier to clean and easier to take care of. At Palacin Dental we focus on comprehensive dentistry. We want you healthy and looking fantastic.

Orthodontic appliances are made of metal and ceramic. They consist of brackets bonded to the teeth. By placing a constant, gentle force in a carefully controlled direction, braces slowly move teeth to the proper position.

You can choose clear or metal brackets and, in some cases, the color of your appliance. Wires are far less noticeable, and the latest materials are designed to move teeth faster with more comfort.

Treatment time varies and can last between one and three years, with an average of 2 years. The duration of the treatment depends on several factors including age and how minor or severe your case is. A big factor in a successful treatment is you! The more involved and diligent you are, the more efficient your treatment will be. For children, receiving interceptive or early treatment can also help provide a quicker treatment time.

Before beginning your orthodontic care, Dr. Palacin and her team will discuss all of your options and provide an estimate for how long your full treatment may take. Please contact our office to schedule a free evaluation and to learn more about orthodontics and the treatments we provide.

Please call our office (954) 472-4656 or request an appointment down here.